Spoil Your Furry Friend!


Healthy Options

It can be hard to find the food for your pet that’s healthy and good. We take some of the guesswork out of the equation by providing high-quality options. Your pet will thank you!

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We want you to be completely satisfied with our service, which is why we have a great returns policy when things don’t work out!

Who is Animals & Us

Animals & Us pet shop is part of Animals & Us a registered animal shelter based in Fujairah. All proceeds from the sales go towards providing for the animals in our shelter.


Tick Removal and Prevention Tips

Dogs are the happiest running and playing outside, but without proper tick prevention, doing what they love best…

Cat supplies and what to know before getting a cat

Click here to learn about the supplies you need and about being a Feline parent.

Thinking about a multi-pet home

The saying “fighting like cats and dogs” doesn’t apply in family homes where the two species learn to coexist happily.